
While some wine enthusiasts swear by corks, others insist that screw caps are the best choice for long-term wine storage. Both of these methods are used to seal wine bottles closed and keep air out of the bottle, which can affect the taste of your wine over time.

To find out which one you should use when, read on to learn more about the pros and cons of both corks and screw caps, as well as how to store wines using both of these options so, let’s talk about Corks vs. Screw Caps: What’s Best for Wine Storage?

The benefits of corks

If you want to store wine in your home, it’s a good idea to keep it in a cool, dark place where it can be left alone and not moved around much. Using corks allows you to do just that.

While screw tops allow you to get access to your wine more quickly, they are also less reliable over time—especially if they aren’t stored in ideal conditions (this is often why wines that come with screw tops have such short shelf lives).

One of many advantages of corks is that once you’ve opened a bottle, its cork will reseal itself; adding some wax helps make sure it stays that way until next time you open it.

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The benefits of screw caps

They’re extremely cheap, easy to use, convenient (no need to remove a cork), and offer great oxygen control (an important aspect of wine preservation). Some screw cap wines can age just as well as wines with corks.

One major drawback is that they tend to impart more corkiness or tang in wines—the smell of cork taint (when there is no actual contamination) that results from exposure to too much oxygen over time.


Many winemakers see that a small trade-off for how easily screw caps make their wine accessible to consumers. We’ve included reviews below from some top producers who bottle their wines with screw caps instead of corks, including Domaine Huet and Pascal Jolivet.

Which should you use for your wine?

Although it’s trendy to collect wines with screw caps or plastic corks, wine in bottles sealed with either option tastes virtually identical years after bottling. It really comes down to what you prefer, says Chris Kissack, editor of Australian Wine Journal and author of The Comprehensive Guide to Australian Wines .

If you are buying a classic old Bordeaux, chances are it will be stored in a cellar where it will be kept at cool but not cold temperatures (around 55 degrees). In that case, cork could be considered an advantage because it keeps out more of that light and heat.

He also notes that natural corks allow small amounts of oxygen into bottles during aging; more oxygen means wine ages faster—which some people prefer.

What’s the Best Option for Your Wine Collection?

Although corks and screw caps are very different in their function, both play an important role in wine storage. Depending on your preference and budget, you may find that one type is better suited to your needs than another.

To make a more informed decision about which closure you should use, check out our guide below: How Corks Are Made

Because they’re created from wood, corks can sometimes absorb a bit of odour or flavour from what they come into contact with—like tannins from strong wine or cardboard flavours due to temperature fluctuations during shipping.

Is wine better with cork or screw top?

There are two main methods of sealing wine bottles today—with natural cork or with synthetic screw cap plastic stoppers (also known as a Stelvin cap). Which is better, natural cork or synthetic screw caps?

We talk a lot about taste and appearance when it comes to wine, but there are a few factors that make a difference in terms of storage. If you have your heart set on collecting wine, here’s some info on storing your favorite vintage wines.


Does screw top wine last longer?

Yes, it does. Contrary to popular belief, screw caps don’t spoil or taint wine in any way and can actually keep it fresher than a corked bottle of wine because they create an airtight seal that keeps oxygen out of the bottle and protects against light damage

Corks allow oxygen into wine bottles over time, which can negatively affect flavor (oxygen-reactive chemicals called volatile phenols are responsible for corkiness). If you’re wondering how long your wines will last with a screw cap or cork, read on!

Are screw cap wines easier to store?

If you’re like most wine consumers, you probably don’t consider much more than price when picking your favorite varietal at the store. But what if we told you that there was a way to ensure better taste and longer shelf life from those bottles of vino?

Enter screw cap wine . The use of cork in bottle closures has been part of wine culture for centuries and a sign of quality among producers, but recent technological advances have brought change to an industry still rooted in tradition.

With each side bringing up valid points about flavor versus convenience, it can be difficult to know which type is right for your preferred red or white varietal. Read on as we break down each option so you can decide which type of cap is best based off your budget and needs…

How should screw top wine be stored?

Most wine makers use corks or cork-sealed screw top caps to seal their wines. Though there are other materials on store shelves, these two choices are by far the most popular and they each have their pros and cons when it comes to long-term storage.

There is no best option, it all depends on what kind of wine you’re storing and your personal preference for taste, smell and appearance when you’re ready to open a bottle months or years later. You need to decide which is best for your own storage needs—which we can help with! Read on…

Conclusion On Corks vs. Screw Caps

The best choice depends on you and what your goals are. If you don’t have a significant investment in wine, I would recommend going with screw caps because they’re less likely to leak or degrade over time and that means less waste of good wine!

Corks work well if you have a large collection, but that’s another thing to consider too; do you really want all those bottles of wine taking up space in your home? Maybe it’s worth investing in a nice storage unit with temperature controls!

Either way, there are some great options out there so make sure to do your research before making any decisions. Hope that helps 🙂

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